Constitution of the Foundation

The Simone Cesaretti Foundation, a non-profit organization of unlimited duration, was set up on 6th November 2007 on the initiative of the Cesaretti family.

The Foundation was recognised as having legal personality in private law by Management Decree no. 334/2008 of the Regione Campania and was recorded under no. 230 in the Legal Persons Register of the Regione Campania – Settore Rapporti con Province, Comuni, CC.MM..

By establishing networks between universities, research centres, public and private bodies, and communications companies, the Foundation aims to contribute with studies, research, education and information initiatives to deepening knowledge of the issues attached to sustainable development, seen in its various dimensions – environmental, economic, territorial, social and generational.

In particular, the Foundation intends to concentrate specifically on the generational dimension as the propulsion element of sustainable development. In respect of these issues, the Foundation plans to implement suitable awareness and communication strategies to foster the promotion of a global sustainability culture.

In order to pursue its aims, the Simone Cesaretti Foundation has endowed itself with the following organizational structure:


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