F. E. Borrelli
Committee Chairman for Agriculture, Parks and Protected Areas – Provincia di Napoli
R. Caracciolo
Director, Status of the Environment Department – APAT
G. P. Cesaretti
President – Simone Cesaretti Foundation
Chief Executive Officer, Directorate for Nature Protection – Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea
G. Cundari
Committee Chairman for Town Planning, Land Policies, Council Housing, Environmental Plan Agreements – Regione Campania
R. Danovaro
Science Faculty Professor, Department of Marine Sciences – Politecnico delle Marche
G. Ferrara
Rector, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”
F. Mainenti
Manager – ICRAM, Central Institute for Scientific and Technological Research Applied to the Sea
In the knowledge that Marine Protected Areas play a central role in pursuing sustainable development strategies, the Simone Cesaretti Foundation organized the Forum entitled “Marine Protected Areas and Sustainable Development in Territorial Systems”.
The Forum is one of the activities organized by the Foundation in the framework of the project to promote and raise awareness of Marine Protected Areas, with the active cooperation of the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea.
The talks by the speakers were an opportunity for a joint reflection on Sustainable Development and the role of Marine Protected Areas in a socioeconomic and cultural framework, at both a local and a global level. Given their dual role of harbouring what are extremely valuable natural properties from a conservation viewpoint and providing benefits for the territory, Marine Protected Areas call for specific measures to safeguard or restore their biological and ecological values; at the same time, they also require new, environmentally-compatible forms of recreation and tourism.